Synopsis : Dreamer's Playground follows an immigrant father and his mixed-race daughter while they seem to be enjoying a happy time together venturing to a local playground. An unexpected and violent incident creates a misunderstanding which overturns their lives, uncovering the hidden biases that permeates the complex layers of social-cultural behavior.
Festival Selections & Nominations
• Children's Film Festival Seattle, United States
• Nomination Best Human Rights Film ,Cannes World Film Festival France
• International Children's Rights Film Festival Turkey
• Beijing International Children's Film Festival, China
Starring: Wesli Spencer , Jayla Lavender Nicholas, Timothy Laurel Harrison
Written & Directed by Lazarus Lazarides
Director of Photography : Stephen Cavaliero & Sufian Alvi
Editor : Nikos Apostolopoulos
Production Designer Persia Beheshti
Music : Noah Chevan
Producer Lazarus Lazarides
Associate Producers : Katie Miller, Vasilios Calitsis